With the decline in world currencies, many people and investors
have seen the benefits of adding physical gold or precious metals to their
portfolios. The push for gold to back currencies have pushed the value of gold.
The demand in gold also increases the demand for gold mining. Linda Dixon
Commodis Peru
has a clear understanding of global economic trends and became involved in the
precious metal industry in 2007.
Since becoming involved in the precious metal sector of finance,
Linda Dixon Commodis Peru
has worked to help investors buy gold, silver, and base metals. Not only do
they buy and sell gold and other metals, but Commodis Corporation keeps a
strong emphasis on the humanitarian side of mining projects. Linda Dixon
Commodis Peru
believes strongly in humanitarian efforts.
The belief that Linda Dixon Commodis Peru and the company maintain is
mining wealth responsibly. This means respecting the environment that is being
mined and taking care of the mining community. It is the belief of the company
that community prosperity is achieved by improving health care and initiating
sustainable economic projects. While the goal of the corporation and Linda
Dixon Commodis Peru
is to build wealth for stakeholders; health and safety of the project workers
are just as important to the company.
Can I transfer the 1200 oz of silver that I hold in Commodis from 2007 to a gold position? And possibly be paid out some day?